complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679.
It means that we are open about our methods of tracking and using visitors’ personal data, and you are free to check what exactly we are doing to it.
At, we collect:
We collect your contact information because it is necessary to accept and process your orders, and to ensure that you have your packages.
We collect the details of your technical equipment and site behavior to make our store more user-friendly, and to customize our store services for you (for example, to automatically switch the store to the mobile version ).
Our store works with third-party companies that help us provide the best service for you, and these third parties also use some of the personal data that you are leaving. We limit the data that they can only access to fulfill your obligations.
If you continue browsing our web store after reading this Privacy Policy, you give us your consent to use your personal data for the purposes explained above.
If you do not accept these terms, please leave the website.
You can send us an email at and ask:
We do our best to ensure the security of your personal data while we store and use it.
Thank you for your cooperation!